Data analysis is one of subjects that very popular in last decade. Most of them start to think about big data analytics in business, education, and also government area. However, this post will do data analytics using R from social media such as facebook. The question is How we can connect to facebook. And here, I will give an example.
Click on Facebook Login link
Under Settings, make sure YES is selected in Client OAuth Login
Type http://localhost:1410/ in Valid OAuth redirect URIs box
Click on Save Changes button
please noted, If you didn't write information correctly, you would get the following error:
Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.
The package Rfacebook lets you to access Facebook App via R.
1. Facebook Developer Registration
To access data from facebook, we should be a developer. This is the first step to implement data analysis from facebook. Go to and register yourself by clicking on Get Started button at the top right of page. After it would open a form for registration which you need to fill it to get yourself registered as facebook account.2. Get App ID
After step one, we need to note down our App ID and App Secret (Refers to the screen-shot below)3. Setting of OAuth
On the left side menu, click on "+Add Product" ButtonClick on Facebook Login link
Under Settings, make sure YES is selected in Client OAuth Login
Type http://localhost:1410/ in Valid OAuth redirect URIs box
Click on Save Changes button
please noted, If you didn't write information correctly, you would get the following error:
Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.
4. Test Connection with R Script
a. Install required packages
Go to R and install Rfacebook and RCurl packages. Run the following code to install them.The package Rfacebook lets you to access Facebook App via R.
b. Load desired packages
In this step, we will load the above installed packages.c. Write function to handle Authentication
d. Paste your app id and app secret below
Press ENTER in R Console or CTRL+ENTER in R Studio.
It would return the following message :
And if connection is successful, will get notify:
It would return the following message :
And if connection is successful, will get notify:
Test to update status on Facebook via R
Next step is data collection
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